History books for Historical knowledge

Saturday, July 26, 2008

We are human because we have a history. History knowledge for every human being is most necessary because the historical development shows the process of development. If we don't know our history we can not know our future. It is really because the process of development, we can know by the knowing that contradictions and situations in which a human being or society developed.

History shows all societies development. It is the books of civilizations. Now, the qestions is from which source we can know history. The answer is history books are the sources of historical knowledge.

When I say about historical knowledge it contains all that development which needs a civilizations. By history we know our societies past economy, culture, art, civilizations, human life style, geography, literature etc. I think every human being needs know at least their country history.

History is not only the data for collections life and death of kings or wars. It is the science of human life development. I will latter describe how we should study history.


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