MBA book Reviews from Conflict Management

Thursday, December 11, 2008

If you want to know decent reviews on conflict management then you need to visit MBA blog which will tell you about that. Recently, I knew to read that about conflict management from here:

"Best examples of conflict are conflict between management and employees. Conflict a serious problem in any organization if the problem not handle properly.

Conflict Management Objectives from the MBA Book

Definition of Conflict

Outcome of Conflict

Forms of Conflict

Conflict Management Strategies


Causes of Stress

Stress Management

Crisis of Management

About the conflict in an organization there are many definitions by some academician. At 1st we will give some light on Gray and Starke’s theory of conflict management, “Conflict is behaviour by a person or group that is purposely designed to inhibit the attainment of goals by another person or group. This ‘purposeful inhibition may be active or passive.”

According to K. W. Thomas conflict is, “processes that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected or is about to negatively affect, something the first party cares about.”

At last I give one more definition about conflict by B. Kabanoff, “Conflict refers to a disagreement, opposition, or struggle between two or more individuals or groups. It results from incompatible influence attempts between and within individuals, groups or organizations.”

In the age of globalization company has conflicts in terms of people personality, values, attitudes, perceptions, languages, cultures and national backgrounds.

Now, we will discuss about outcomes of conflicts. Outcome of conflicts is the results of conflicts. Conflicts has two consequences – Positive and Negative.

Positive consequences of conflicts are:

Leads to new ideas

Stimulates Creativity

Motivates changes

Promotes Organizational vitality

Helps Individual and Groups

Indicate Problems

Negative consequences of conflicts are:

Diverts energy from work

Wastes of resources

Creates negative climate

Breaks down group cohesion

Increase hostility and aggressive behaviours

Conflicts are divided into two parts – Functional Conflict and Dysfunctional conflict.

Functional conflicts support the goals of the group and improve its performance while dysfunctional conflict hinders the group performance.

In this chapter now we have to discuss about sources of organizational conflict. These are:

Line and Staff Competition

Organization-Individual Disagreements

Overlapping Responsibilities

Functional Interdependence

Personality Clashes

Disagreement over Goals

Flow of Work

Conflict can be divide into two forms also – Intra-Individual or Interpersonal conflict. An Individual can get experience about cognitive conflict, affective conflict, inter-role conflict, intra-role conflict and personal-role conflict.

Strategies of Conflict Management

In the strategies of conflict management we can include – avoiding, accommodating, competing, compromising and collaborating which is style of management.


In this chapter we have to study about negotiation also. Negotiation is a process by which we can define conflict what they are willing to give and accept in return. Negotiation has been including in this chapter because it is a part of conflict management. Negotiation process solves management conflicts towards the employees.

There can be some negotiation steps:


Evaluation of Alternatives

Identifying Interests


In every country there are different cultural differences in negotiation. Like Japanese give the high importance of emotional sensitivity while for North American it has no high value.

In the negotiation there are two major approaches – Distributive Bargaining and Integrative Negotiation.

In today world there are more value of third-party negotiators who known as – mediator, arbitrator, consultant, inquisitor and delegator or avoider.


Stress is exceeding complex. Here I will give some definition which has been proposed by theoreticians. According to J. C quick and J. D Quick, “Stress, or the stress response, is the unconscious preparation to fight or flee a person experiences when faced with any demand.”

Another definition from Mikhail is also very important, “Stress refers to a psychological and physiological state that result when certain features of an individual’s environment challenge that person, creating an actual or perceived imbalance between demand and capability to adjust that results in a non-specific response.”

I think stress creates from our environmental situation. Stress affects normally our health.

The causes of stress

After having study the definition of stress we need to know about causes of stress. In the causes of stress we can introduce conflict.

There is some cause of stress:

Inner conflicts

Perceptual influences

Thresholds of stress

Motivational level

Stress value can be measured by a rating scale. These are:

If a person feels about the spouse death its mean value is 100. Like that when a person gets notice of divorce then stress value mean of 73 scales.

In this chapter we will study about two type of behaviour pattern – A and B.

In pattern of “A” behaviour we see these:





Devotion to work

Feeling of Intense time Pressure

Attempts to several things at once

In the type of “B” behaviour pattern we can summarize it as:

Never suffer from a sense of time urgency

Feel no need to display any achievement

Play for fun

To manage stress we can follow some level which can be:

Individual Level

Organisation Level

Crisis Management

It is the last chapter of conflict management. Crisis management is an issue in business world. It is a big issue for now. We can categories crisis management.

Types of Crisis

Natural Disaster

Environmental disaster

Industrial accident

Shortfall in demand

At last, we can say conflict can be a serious problem for a company or organisatioin."

Online Book Stores: For Financial Solutions

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

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“Line of Control” Book Review

Monday, November 3, 2008

The book “Line of Control” has been written by Mainak Dhar and published by Vitasta Publisher. You can buy it in 295 INR. The book has got rating 3. The writer is professional and has written about 6 novel already. You can say Line of Control is the seventh novel of Mainak Dhar.

Line of Control is on the future of human being. It describe all thing about 2011. It deals the two country wars. It is like a Hindi movie. The writer has thought if the India and Pakistan comes for war and a nuclear showdown appears there then what will be after that.

In the review of Line of Control HT writes, “By placing readers in the thick of action, similar to the circumstances that we find ourselves in today, Dhar has actually managed to find a connect that cannot be missed easily. The fact that chara- cters, incidents and the reasons behind them, in the story are so contemporary makes it a good read for those wanting to know the truth about LoC.”

Hindustan times writes the review on the book as A fictional reality which is title of the review. It is not like artistic. The novel has been written by like a history professor and that history professor describe that things which is not currently with us.

I don't think book reviews essence is valuable in the scene of recent situations. The writers thought is over the nationalities.

Literature books and Our Life

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Literature books are also related to directly our life. A author take all the concept of life to write a novel. But in the both book there are major differences. I can say History book is on the basis of reality and said directly all the thing by the history writes. About this I have already written in my previous post “aspects of history books”.

Here I want to disclose some reality of the literature books which effect our life. A writer take look to write literature book from our life but there is differences between writer and a common man. There is also differences between a literature writer and history writer. The differences are related to concept.

A history man see all the thing according to data and evidence. But a writer see all the aspect of human being life's and write the book as an art. Writing is an art whether it is history or literature but literature writing is an art of art.

A writer see all the activities of our life and write that like an imaginary story. But all the story looks like a real story of our life. So, I can say literature are related to our life as well.

Google Analytics Book By Brian Clifton

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Recently, Google web analytics book came in light which was written by Brian Clifton. Brian Clifton has done (PhD) and worked as marketing and web analytics expert since 1997. In the book “Advanced web Metrics with Google Analytics” he has written some different things for Google web analytics for which is lead the market research with the Google web analytics.

Before it on Web Analytics topics – An Hour a day by Avinash Kausik already have published. But the book “Advanced web Metrics with Google Analytics” which has been written by Brian Clifton has some different topics because it deals with only Google web analytics problem.

It has great definition on web analytics in its chapter 1 which is free to download. Like this you can see the book index in free also. The book you can buy from the

“Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right” Book Reviews

Monday, October 6, 2008

The book was written by Marx in 1844. It was initial stage of Marx analysis when he wrote the critique book on Hegel's Philosophy of Right. That time Hegel was most popular philosopher and almost all the philosophy was in the way of the Hegel's theory. But that the right time Marx wrote the critique about the book.

In the introduction of the book Marx wrote,
“...In the present struggle it saw only the critical struggle of philosophy against the German world; it did not give a thought to the fact that philosophy up to the present itself belongs to this world and is its completion, although an ideal one. Critical towards its counterpart, it was uncritical towards itself when, proceeding from the premises of philosophy, it either stopped at the results given by philosophy or passed off demands and results from somewhere else as immediate demands and results of philosophy – although these, provided they are justified, can be obtained only by the negation of philosophy up to the present, of philosophy as such. We reserve ourselves the right to a more detailed description of this section: It thought it could make philosophy a reality without abolishing [aufzuheben] it...”

That time in the Germany Hegel had his own influence on the philosophy that is why no one had idea to write the critique about the Hegel Book but Marx did that. This was one of the major achievement by Marx in the philosophy.

You can read whole book from here: Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right

Aspect of History Books

Monday, September 29, 2008

History books deals all the aspect of human beings life. Why needs we history? Some people says we don't need to read history book. But I am asking, is it right? I think no. It is not right. To know our history we need to read history books.

In the universe only human beings have its conscious history. Yes, Animal has also history but that are only history of origin. What is the difference between human history and animal history? That is history of society. Animal has no society and history of their activities but human being have all these things.

I am writing here about needs of history books. I have already wrote in my previous post about History books for historical knowledge and why we believe on history books. It is not unconscious activities to make a society and arrange all the stuff on the theory of knowledge. It can be done by only human beings. This is the activities shows by the human history. That is why I am taking about essence of history.

Aspect of history books cover aspect of human being life. All the aspect has been defined by historian in the the history books and we get knowledge about development of our society from history books.

Fathers and Sons Novel

Friday, September 12, 2008

Fathers and Sons one of the famous novel by Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev. Turgenev was a Russian writer. He wrote the novel in 1860 but was published in 1862. The book was on real story who had known by writer. His name was Dr. D. The Novel was finished by Turvenev in 1861.

The main hero of the Novel is Bazarov. Al the story is in Russian back ground. It is a novel of higher class society. In the Novel Turgenev has explained very minutely contradiction between Fathers and Sons.

In the whole novel you will find only contradiction between fathers and sons. It shows the generation gap. It shows the society gap and it shows the education gap also. We can say it is very interesting novel.

All the aspect of a young man and old father is the essence of the novel. About the Turgenev we can say he had the quality of writing a quality novel.

Economic Problems of Socialism in the U.S.S.R. Is an Economic Book

Monday, September 1, 2008

Economic Problems of Socialism in the U.S.S.R. stalin Book
“Economic Problems of Socialism in the U.S.S.R.” we can say it is the human being economic books not that economic books which run nowadays in our class that define only about the market profit or loss.

It is different from all the book because in the book Stalin has dealt the real problem of human being specially Russian people. It was the time when socialism was built and it was running very well. It was in its highest stage and people were thinking to take a step ahead. They were thinking about communism which is the highest stage of socialism.

The book was written by Stalin in his last age of life. It was 1952 when Stalin was solving the economic problem of USSR. I can say it shows the consciousness of Russian people.

Stalin deal in the book that social economic if still creates profit and lastly have not finished to earn profit can't enter in communism. Another thing one state of the world can't enter alone in the communism economic system.

I think the book is live and all the problem is real of the socialism people. It is very interesting as well as economical.

Godan Books Reviews

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Godan by Premchand
Godan was written by Munsi Premchand. It is a Hindi novel. Munsi Premchand was 1st Hindi famous novel writer. He has written many novels like Godan. Godan is most famous novel from premchand.

About the Premchand people or senior literature person says that he was the writer of Indian society. I think he was the writer of society development and contradictions. In his time he wrote Godan on the basis of growing society of India. In his novel conclusion is not sure because writer vision was not clearer about the growing society.

From the Godan premchand shows the society changes from villages to city. He had also shown by that existence of god. He was also aware that Jamindari system was on the basis of god concept and their hierarchy of king was produced by god.

In Godan he has tried to show Indian people mentality. Indian people and their faith of religion. I like this novel much because that time when India society has no any vision, Premchand writes that with his experience. Premchand is like Shakespeare and he is Shakespeare of India.

Literature books reviews

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Maxim Gorkey, Mother
Literature are my favourite books. I like personally literature books most because I have already mentioned that it tell about life. The books from literature are famous which is on real life and reality of life.

Writes from literature are known in all over world they are – Premchand, Shakespear, Kant, Hume, Turganev, Maxim Gorki, Leo Tolstoy, Dharam Veer Bharti, Mopasan etc. I like their writing because they are the real life writer.

The entire writer has unique and world classic literature books. Personally, I like Leo Tolstoy books which is “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina” etc. Another writer is Premchand for “Godan”, “Gaban” etc. Maxim Gorki’s famous literature book is “Mother”. Mother is also world famous book and it is all about on Russian revolutions.

Now, I have decided to say something on literature books, they are all about for our life, by our life and from our life.

Why we belive on History Books?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

1st of all what is history? History is our post. History books reveal our past. By the history books we know our origin, development, society, culture, art, money etc. History and history books are believable because it is on concrete not like a story or assume.

What is the way of believing on history books? There are many way on which we can believe that history books are on real evidence. Many people believes on Ramayana and Mahabharata and they argue that that books are on real evidence but this is not true. Ramayana and Mahabharata are like a novel. It is amusement of a writer.

We can believe history books because there some evidence and reference on the basis of that books are written that are:

Coin – It indicates prosperity of that age.

Quila – It indicates life structure.

Temple – It indicates art of that age.

Historical Books – Historical books are also indicate all the aspect of that age.

All the things and analysis of all these things tell us history is real it is not like a novel.

About Philosphical Books

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Philosophy Books

Before science Philosophy was the base of things logic. To justify people was used philosophy but all thing has its own restrictions that is why every philosophical thought had limitations. In the earlier stage Arastu was 1st dialectical philosopher. Philosophy in the modern age divided many parts and its follower was also modified it. But by the influence of science in the modern age Engles announced “End of Philosophy”

Philosophical branch deals logical concept of things. There are many well known philosopher who produced many thought which was famous in their age. One of the most famous philosopher was Hegel from Germany which was recognized by Marx. Along with Fierbach, Kant, Hume, Plekhanov etc. was also the most famous philosopher.

But Engles and Marx introduced a new philosophy which was different from his age that was “dialectical and historical materialism”. Before it there was Materialistic theory, Dialectical Theory, Mistries Theory, Machist Theory but all are unable to deal real meaning of philosophy.

Lastly Engles announced End of the Philosophy because in the age of science there is no need of philosophy. Philosophy is the concept of logic which analysis of the thing while science proved the things. It is the main different of politics and science.

History books for Historical knowledge

Saturday, July 26, 2008

We are human because we have a history. History knowledge for every human being is most necessary because the historical development shows the process of development. If we don't know our history we can not know our future. It is really because the process of development, we can know by the knowing that contradictions and situations in which a human being or society developed.

History shows all societies development. It is the books of civilizations. Now, the qestions is from which source we can know history. The answer is history books are the sources of historical knowledge.

When I say about historical knowledge it contains all that development which needs a civilizations. By history we know our societies past economy, culture, art, civilizations, human life style, geography, literature etc. I think every human being needs know at least their country history.

History is not only the data for collections life and death of kings or wars. It is the science of human life development. I will latter describe how we should study history.

About History, literature and philosophical books

Monday, July 7, 2008

History is not only for war and peace it is all about development of society. Development of one step ahead in society. It shows motions of society. We can say history of science about social development. It is my view point about history.

Literature is not pocket book. It is the art, culture and civilizations contradictions about society. It is concrete on society. It explains about society within real context among real hero. Your writing art can show your literature.

In this process philosophy is near about logic but one step before science. Philosophy reach on conclusion by logic but science proved that logic. Philosophy is now end. It is announced very earlier. I am only giving proof.

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