Nandan Book Magazine for Children in the Memory of Prime Minister of India

Monday, August 24, 2009

Nandan Book Magazine

The most famous book magazine – Nandan had been started in the memory of prime minister of India. The magazine was in the memory of late prime minister of India Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru. The Nandan book magazine was started in 1964 and its first issue was dedicated to Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru.

The magazine is in the format of book which is the most famous among the children. Basically, in the north India the book magazine have gotten great popularity. It is dedicated to children of India.

It is Hindustan Times which make the children’s dream true to produce the magazine. Nandan is known as HT media children’s magazine also. According to the HT,
“Nandan believes in shaping the mind and behaviour of our children in a positive way, and to challenge their minds by exposing them to new ideas for the world of science and technology.”

From my point of view, Nandan is the best book magazine for children to shape their mind in right direction. The book magazine covers technological innovation, movies review, stories, cartoons, comic, paintings, quiz, and various types of news.

The magazine comes in the shape of Champak but it is beyond the Champak. Champak is dedicated to kids only in the format of comic and dreamy story but Nandan is dedicated to children in the format of news and stories.

Both books – Nandan and Champak are dedicated to kids but preferably for senior kids Nandan book magazine is perfect. Nandan is a magazine in the format of book so, it is known as book magazine also.

If you want to make your child involve in book then Nandan is right book to give right direction. There are many books magazine in the market but the book is perfect for children who want to innovate something. My choice goes with Nandan book magazine for a kid.

Accounting Books Review from Financial Management

Thursday, March 5, 2009

This is the review of financial statement analysis from the chapter of financial and accounting book. The book review let you know the concept of financial concept in details. Below is full review:

"Is financial statement analysis is only the analysis of facts, figures and statistics? I think financial statement analysis is proceeding from ratio analysis. So, here we should decide some objectives of the chapter.

Objectives of Financial Statement Analysis:

Meaning of Ratio Analysis

Steps in Ratio Analysis

Classification of Ratio

Merits and Demerits of Ratio Analysis

Compute the Different Ratios

At 1st we will discuss about ratio analysis. Normally, ratio is known as the relationship between two or more variable expressed in:

1. Percentage
2. Rate
3. Proportion

In another word we can say that ratio analysis is the important technique of financial analysis.

There are some steps also which involves in the ratio analysis:

a. Collection of information, which are relevant from the financial statements and then to calculate different ratios accordingly.
b. Comparison of computed ratios of the same organization or with the industry ratios.
c. Interpretation, drawing of inference and report-writing.

There are some formulas of Balance Sheet Ratio Analysis:

1. Current Ratio

Current Ratio = Current Assets/Current Liabilities

2. Quick Ratio

It is also known as liquid ratio or acid test ratio

Liquid Ratio = Quick or Liquid Assets/Liquid or Current Liabilities

= Current Assets – (Stock and Prepaid Expenses)/Current Liabilities-Bank Overdraft

3. Net working capital Ratio

Net working capital is used to measure company’s liquid position.

Net working capital Ratio = Net Working Capital/Net Assets

4. Proprietary Ratio

Proprietary Ratio = Shareholder’s Funds/Total Assets or Total Resources

5. Capital Gearing Ratio

Capital Gearing = Fixed Interest Bearing Funds/Equity Share capital

6. Debt Equity Ratio

Debt-Equity Ratio is calculated as follows:

Debt-Equity Ratio = External Equities/Internal Equities

Debt-Equity Ratio = Outsiders’ Funds/Shareholder’s Funds

As a long-term financial ratio it may be calculated as follows:

Debt-Equity Ratio = Total Long-Term Debts/Total Long-Term Funds

Debt-Equity Ratio = Total Long – Term Debts/Shareholders’ Funds

Here I want to share some important terms which will define the ratio:

Net profit ratio is used to measure the overall profitability and hence it is very useful to proprietors.

A higher working capital turnover ratio shows that there is low investment in working capital and vice-versa.

Ratio analysis is a very important and useful tool for financial analysis.

It helps the management accounting of business concern in evaluating its financial position and efficiency of performance."

Data Source : Financial Statement Analysis from Financial Books

SMU MBA Book Review from MBA Education

Monday, February 9, 2009

I will tell you about a book review from a MBA Education blog. The blog has lots of sample questions paper of SMU MBA. But here I only share one post which is on the book review. The book name is Management Process and Organisation Behaviour and code is MB 0022. I have already written about MBA assignment in my previous post now I am going to share MBA book review below:

"The book name is “Management Process and Organisation Behaviour”. The code of the book name is “MB 0022”.

In short I am reviewing the book. It is the 1st book for MBA students of SMU (Sikkim Manipal University).

At 1st I want to introduce of “MBA”. MBA is the short name of Master of Business Administration. MBA comes with modern age especially with big and private firm to manage and cost-cutting. It is known as problem solving program also.

With the Book of “MB 0022” we will discuss about its chapter. In the book there are 10 chapters.

1st chapter name is “Organisational Behaviour”. It deals the behaviour of manager in an organization. With this chapter we have to study about managerial roles, management skills, nature and features of OB, challenges of OB etc.

2nd chapter name is “Foundation of Organisational Behaviour: Individual Behaviour”. With this chapter we have to learn about theories of learning, abilities, principles of reinforcement etc.

“Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction” is the name of 3rd chapter. With this chapter we have to study about contemporary ethical issues in organization, cognitive dissonance theory, worked attitudes and job satisfaction etc.

“Personality & Emotions” it is forth chapter of “MB 0022” SMU Book. In this book there are some topics which we have to study that are – definition of personality, theories of personalities, theories of emotion etc.

“Perception” is the fifth chapter of the book. Perception is primary way to evolve of ideas, thought and understanding of surroundings.

In the “Motivation” chapter which is 6th chapter of the book let us know that it derives needs and desire to achieve goals.

“Group Behaviour” the 7th chapter of “MB 0022” Book of SMU. It let us know that group is a defined with more than two peoples to achieve a common goals.

In the 8th chapter we have to study about “Power and Politics in Organisation”. In this chapter we have learnt how to use power and politics in an organization as an MBA.

Nine chapter of the book is related to “Conflict Management”. According to K. W. Thomas Conflict is, “A Process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected or is about to negatively affect, something the first party cares about.”

Last chapter of the book is related to change and its name is “Organisational Change and Development”. The chapter is all about change and development about an organization and tells us that everything is changeable and process of development.

In the summery of book we can say it is all about for management, characters of manager, problems within organsiation, conflict, development, group, motivation, job satisfaction etc.

I have thought, in my second post I want to share my thought of questions papers patterns in MBA of SMU."

Source Via :Reviews of SMU MBA Book – MB 0022

MBA Assignment of SMU : Question-1 from MB 0028

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Now, I have decided to change something in this books reviews blog and I want to share an assignment review from a blog of SMU MBA assignment. Assignment is also a aspect of books review that is why I have decided to share one of the reviews from an assignment blog. Let’s read below and suggests your opinions if you like:

"Production and operations Management

Question: 1. Explain the various automated system for transform of materials in the production plant? Illustrate your answer by considering on example of an automobile showroom.

Answer: Basically, automation system comes to reduce labour power and time in the production. Here we can see the evolution systems with some examples. The goods requited by society were produces in small quantities by craftsman who would know the need of the community and produced them by their own hands with simple tools. The apprentices or by another craftsman, who would make them to meet the requests made.

The parts and components used to make these machines had to be replaced when they wore making parts so that interchangeability was achieved made setting up standards and specifications important for meeting

The craftsmen gave way to engineers, workers, superiors and inspectors. Division of labour became necessary to achieve efficiencies and the jabs that became specialized. Competition has necessitated improved quality, reduced sates and better services to the customer.

Automation systems cost huge sums of money and therefore a deep analysis of the various factors has to be done. For services, automation usually means labour saving devices in education, long distance learning technology helps in supplementing class room instruction. The facilitating goods that are used are web site and videos.

Automation in the banking sector has resulted in ATMs which same the banks a huge amount customer satisfaction. Automation is ideas when the service provided or the product manufactured is highly standardized.

Some extent of automation can be designed even with customization i. e. product or service a meant to produce or deliver low volume specific to a requirement. The advantages of automation is it has low variability and will be more consistent on a repetitive basis

The machines have sensing and control devices that enable them to operate automobile. The simplest of them called machine attachments replace human effort. They guide, locate, move and achieve revise position by means of came, optical sensing. Load sensing mechanisms and activate the controls to remove human intention.

Robots are higher in the order of automation as they perform a variety of tasks. They are designed to move movements according to programmers written into the computer that inside them.

With the help of automation, inspection of component can be done 100% ensures highest quality identification and movement of materials are helped by bar codes which are read and fed into the system far monitoring quantity, location, movement etc. They help the automated systems to start information and provide information for effecting any changes necessary. To make effective use of automated machines, we need to have the movement of materials from and to different time as stores, automated, Automated storage and Retrieval systems- ASRS- receive orders for materials from anywhere in the production area, collect materials in the works times. Computers and information systems are used for placing orders for matters, give commands adjust inventory records which show the location and quantity of materials needed.

Automated guided vehicle systems- AGVS – are pallet trucks and unit load carriers follow embedded guide wires or paint strips to destinations as programmed.

In an automobile showroom we can see all the work automatically with latest machine.

Note: all the answer has been taken by SMU book of MB 0028 for this assignment."

Source Via :Question-1 – Assignment-1 of SMU – MBA Book of MB 0028

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