The magazine is in the format of book which is the most famous among the children. Basically, in the north India the book magazine have gotten great popularity. It is dedicated to children of India.
It is Hindustan Times which make the children’s dream true to produce the magazine. Nandan is known as HT media children’s magazine also. According to the HT,
“Nandan believes in shaping the mind and behaviour of our children in a positive way, and to challenge their minds by exposing them to new ideas for the world of science and technology.”
From my point of view, Nandan is the best book magazine for children to shape their mind in right direction. The book magazine covers technological innovation, movies review, stories, cartoons, comic, paintings, quiz, and various types of news.
The magazine comes in the shape of Champak but it is beyond the Champak. Champak is dedicated to kids only in the format of comic and dreamy story but Nandan is dedicated to children in the format of news and stories.
Both books – Nandan and Champak are dedicated to kids but preferably for senior kids Nandan book magazine is perfect. Nandan is a magazine in the format of book so, it is known as book magazine also.
If you want to make your child involve in book then Nandan is right book to give right direction. There are many books magazine in the market but the book is perfect for children who want to innovate something. My choice goes with Nandan book magazine for a kid.