Literature books and Our Life

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Literature books are also related to directly our life. A author take all the concept of life to write a novel. But in the both book there are major differences. I can say History book is on the basis of reality and said directly all the thing by the history writes. About this I have already written in my previous post “aspects of history books”.

Here I want to disclose some reality of the literature books which effect our life. A writer take look to write literature book from our life but there is differences between writer and a common man. There is also differences between a literature writer and history writer. The differences are related to concept.

A history man see all the thing according to data and evidence. But a writer see all the aspect of human being life's and write the book as an art. Writing is an art whether it is history or literature but literature writing is an art of art.

A writer see all the activities of our life and write that like an imaginary story. But all the story looks like a real story of our life. So, I can say literature are related to our life as well.

Google Analytics Book By Brian Clifton

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Recently, Google web analytics book came in light which was written by Brian Clifton. Brian Clifton has done (PhD) and worked as marketing and web analytics expert since 1997. In the book “Advanced web Metrics with Google Analytics” he has written some different things for Google web analytics for which is lead the market research with the Google web analytics.

Before it on Web Analytics topics – An Hour a day by Avinash Kausik already have published. But the book “Advanced web Metrics with Google Analytics” which has been written by Brian Clifton has some different topics because it deals with only Google web analytics problem.

It has great definition on web analytics in its chapter 1 which is free to download. Like this you can see the book index in free also. The book you can buy from the

“Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right” Book Reviews

Monday, October 6, 2008

The book was written by Marx in 1844. It was initial stage of Marx analysis when he wrote the critique book on Hegel's Philosophy of Right. That time Hegel was most popular philosopher and almost all the philosophy was in the way of the Hegel's theory. But that the right time Marx wrote the critique about the book.

In the introduction of the book Marx wrote,
“...In the present struggle it saw only the critical struggle of philosophy against the German world; it did not give a thought to the fact that philosophy up to the present itself belongs to this world and is its completion, although an ideal one. Critical towards its counterpart, it was uncritical towards itself when, proceeding from the premises of philosophy, it either stopped at the results given by philosophy or passed off demands and results from somewhere else as immediate demands and results of philosophy – although these, provided they are justified, can be obtained only by the negation of philosophy up to the present, of philosophy as such. We reserve ourselves the right to a more detailed description of this section: It thought it could make philosophy a reality without abolishing [aufzuheben] it...”

That time in the Germany Hegel had his own influence on the philosophy that is why no one had idea to write the critique about the Hegel Book but Marx did that. This was one of the major achievement by Marx in the philosophy.

You can read whole book from here: Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right

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